registration number: fb09-0029-wmz-2024
Entry date:
Application deadline:
E 13 TV-H
Volume of employment:
part-time (65 %)
The University of Marburg, founded in 1527, offers a variety of excellent programs of study for around 22,000 students and confronts the important topics of our time through excellent research across a broad spectrum of sciences.
The department of German Studies and Arts, Institute for German Linguistics & Research Center »Deutscher Sprachatlas«, is currently accepting applications for 9
The positions are offered for a period of 3 years, if no former times of qualification are to be considered. The starting date is 01.03.2025. All positions are part-time (65 % of regular working hours) with salary and benefits commensurate with a public service position in the state Hesse, Germany (TV-H E 13, 65 %).
All positions are available within the Research Training Group “Dynamics and stability of linguistic representations“ (RTG 2700). The RTG is a structured program for Ph.D.-students and young researchers. The scientific goal of the group is to study the mental bases of linguistic units, their usage, acquisition, development and change. To this end, several methodological perspectives are taken, e.g. from Psycho- or Neurolinguistics, Dialectology, Clinical Linguistics, Historical Linguistics and Pragmatics. We are looking for motivated and excellent students who are willing to integrate their research proposals into one of 8 projects offered by the RTG. More detailed information about these projects can be found on the RTG’s website (
The position is limited to a time period deemed adequate for the completion of a doctoral degree. As part of the assigned duties, there will be ample opportunity to conduct the independent scientific research necessary for the completion of a doctorate. The limitation complies to § 2, 1 WissZeitVG.
Disposition to own scientific qualification is expected.
We actively support the professional development of junior researchers by the offers of Marburg Research Academy (MARA), the International Office and the Higher Education Didactics Office.
+49 6421-28 24699
We support women and strongly encourage them to apply. In areas where women are underrepresented, female applicants will be preferred in case of equal qualifications. As a certified family-friendly university, we support our employees in balancing family and career. A reduction of working time is possible. Applicants with a disability as discribed in SGB IX (§ 2 Abs. 2, 3) will be preferred in case of equal qualifications. Application and interview costs can not be refunded.
Please apply by 29th of September 2024 using the application button below.
We would like to ask for applications documents within a single PDF-file. Please include a short project proposal that outlines a dissertation project suitable for one of the 8 RTG projects (your desired project). Please additionally indicate an alternative project that could accommodate your proposal. For orientation, please refer to the topic proposals on the website (